Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wisdom Wednesday....after Day 29

Remaining in Ramadan after
Ramadan....after Day 29, this has been on my mind since 2010

Ramadan activates one's sincerity, subsequently while preserving oneself with patience. Fasting enriches our piety, intensifying our spiritual parts for acts of goodness. Fasting, a grateful reminder for what we have and a guidance to strive righteously for a better life. We are in the midst of forming 1 Muslim Narrative and Culture here in the United States, as ambassadors of good will. "It is So Cool Being Muslim!"

We must continue taking proactive approaches toward empowerment and leadership. Engage this life with quality and obtaining sustenance for better health, security and protection (afiyah). Internalize the Quran's Wisdom for a more sound spiritual base. Inducing a logical but relevant comprehensive application. It will serves as a moral compliance over worlds of diverse communities and environments.

"Verily after difficulty comes ease"...Chapter 94:5

Revive your thirst for truth
Islamic education is an Iftar (dinner, relief) for a person who has been fasting within ignorance and immoral behaviors. This spiritual and historic infrastructure, have stabilized the mental health of many, based upon the universal tenets of Sovereignty - the Oneness of our Creator (Tauhid). It is water for those in dying of thirst and a sea breeze for someone under an unbearable sweat. Ask for what you want and do not whisper. Work for your earnings and preserve your development through humility, knowledge and sincerity.

Without knowledge there is no insight, which is a necessary tool. Insight is the main component, powering our navigation around negative egotistic people and riding above any social ills and/or issues. Those of us who are staggering in darkness, must seek education for light. Islamic education serve as healthy eyes for the blind and hearing for the deaf. Without sight (intellect) and hearing (education) the body is without life - stuck in a mental stagnation of depression without baseerah (vision).

Fasting during Ramadan revives the soul. It is a period for acquiring awareness and personal development. Improving life, not just for ourselves but for all light seekers. Divine Mercy and Forgiveness (His Favor and Assistance), for a people who cannot help themselves. In Ramadan a person has the opportunity to purify the body and soul, and obtain an essence for success. Protecting our children's creative abilities for a chance at a successful life, make dua (supplication) for them. I heard Imam Shuaib Webb once say, "Harness creativity for Truth".

A Note to Americans, We are not the only people on the planet. As an African American, my respect for life is a struggle for freedom and rights - came at the cost of lives, our dignity and souls still being lost (Remembering Natasha Harling and Trayvon Martin). We should not form organizations under non profit status, just to project the same hate, as seen in the history of African Americans. Struggle for freedom (ponder this one, it's something to think about and how we run our communities).

I agree, there are a lot of questions we should ask; but most of these answers you will not find among the Muslims. We need to question our political leaders and ask them "what, why, when, who and how" do you allow our country to be in this position. Seek out Historical facts that are not found in general history text and you might be surprised what's discovered (think about it).

Bottom line, we are facing a point of discussion and negotiation for a comprehensive social agreement (social, civil and human rights) between powers for; security, comfort and progress. We have enough domestic equity, education, and leadership for a new respected voice - our combined voices will change world. Let's utilize valuable intelligence to resolve matters and disengage the blind bitterness, inherited prejudices and arrogance (kibr) - social ills of the heart that are preventing social solutions.

Wisdom Wednesday are blog-ver-sa-tions from a Muslim, "it is what it is" thanks for your support....Major Love!
Wisdom Wednesday are reminders for social conversations - the sharing of honest opinions and wise ideals. All of us have a value worth sharing; it may motivate another to stop, continue and/or begin a certain process in our personal growth or social development.
Please follow us @whoopwoop and share our blog-ver-sa-tions with friends
Thank you!


  1. "Islamic education is an Iftar (dinner) for a person who has been fasting on ignorance and immoral behaviors."
    This is beautiful-

    Our souls are hungry for connection with the One. With every harm that is done to us as an ummah, the Creator is keeping score and will reward us for our patience and humility.


  2. I once heard Imam Shuaib Webb once say, "Harness creativity for Truth"...Hena, this is our mission with New Media Blog-ver-sa-tions and thank you Sister for your support of Create A Voice, tell a friend.
