- the occupiers do not have a platform or cause
- they have no real strategy for solution on banking
- these people are taking up space and taxpayer's money.
What seems to be U.S. history taking place is being substituted with propaganda persuading the people who needs the relief to disregard these historical and informational events. Early in our education we're taught about propaganda and its use being beneficial to only one group or person.
Where is the propaganda, thoughts, and stories about families needing an extra month; while their loan modification is being approved by the same bank that is foreclosing and modifying their loan, or why Republicans refuse to support the Jobs Act; in a time of necessity and survival.
New Media is the convergence of media, telecommunications and internet being as one force, the way you receive/ transmit information and share content on tablets, through phones and over other cool devices. We would like to share this video blog-ver-sa-tion of a clear intent from the offense....So now here is some propaganda to balance one's decision making and understanding around occupiers.
It's like the people who represent the people, belittles the understanding of people using professional people to persuade a person's thinking. In this video the people clearly disseminate a progressive message.
It's like the people who represent the people, belittles the understanding of people using professional people to persuade a person's thinking. In this video the people clearly disseminate a progressive message.
Understanding the occupy movements is contrasted with understanding Open Source programming. Like old Myspace, you could customized the HTML (hypertext markup language). Now any social justice issue can be customized to fit your organization's personality. You now have a platform with people for views and deep packet information otherwise, interests and likes.
"Propaganda seems like a negative term, because it's always used to suppress true thinking"
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