Thursday, June 7, 2012

Every Thursday with having a Vision

"You need to wear some glasses like, D-M-C"
"Every Thursday" will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work.

For the past two weeks I have been out of commission. It started with fatigue, then my hypertension kicked in. I felt real drained, unmotivated and simply possessed no creativity at all. One thing I realized, a good night's sleep require good pillows, I am going to buy some new ones soon.

Laying down and internalizing my involvement across the board with new media blogging, nonprofit management and organizing in the Muslim community. Having patience introduced a new stronger comprehension, I re-evaluated my purpose and most of all having no fear requires faith and a board vision.


The faculty or state of being able to see.


noun.  sight - eyesight - view - dream
verb.  envisage - see

In this work having a purpose originates out of vision; a journey to reach a determined destination. Strategically plan moves and develop partnerships for win-win actions. Aligning yourself with respectful support, people of good advice with your best interest in mind. Working to initiate change in not only the work but your personal and social life as well. My down time, which I mostly covered up with more work; but made me realize the real and re-align myself to a vision I have been seeing since 2002.

Be careful people, take good care of yourselves. "Eat Right, to Think Right" and rehearse practicing goodness. Let the work be your spokesperson and simply stay focus and keep your mouth shut. Share your vision only with a close partner, advisory council, or comrades and let everyone else realize it. Avoid those damm accolades people genuinely dress you with. Those same compliments could break your back one day. Know your life has been written and we are simply on a mission like Mario, jumping on boxes with rewards and avoiding traps of destruction. 

One of my favorite artist is Mary J Blige, listening to her lyrics and knowing she writes the music, is authenticity in my eyes. In the music you feel and hear MJ's experience, something she utilize as a source of creativity and relevance.

Also being studied, having a spiritual awareness is another necessary armory. Utilize your imaginations, it's not childish for an adult to have an imagination. Realize your worth and value your time left, its never too late. Feel it, See it and Think it into existence with Permission. My apology people, for being M-I-A and blog-ver-sa-ting with you. Today I just wanted share my thoughts in this blog-ver-sa-tion on Every Thursday. If there are any typos I'm going blame it on, still being ill :) .....

"Align yourself with good, find what benefits you, Trust God and do not look back"

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