Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ethics of a Social Preneur #WisdomWed

Your determination has led you down a road of trials. While following your vision to develop change, calculated risk. Consequently, an insightful supply of core values are immensely engaged with your task. Within this process, you endure lessons and people who shake your nervous system to its core. Advice is sought, and you are told to have Patience.

pa·tience /ˈpāSHəns/  The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Perseverance is earned and then harnessed in compliance with obtaining patience. Having a vision and a goal in sight, opens the door to strength. It increases intellect, creates wisdom and develops discipline. All are needed, on your path of circumstance and consequences. It's maintenance on your spiritual strength.

per·se·ver·ance /ˌpərsəˈvi(ə)rəns/ Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

"Verily all actions, are but by intention" Muhammad (PBUH). It embodies purpose, determination and the faculty or power of using one's will (volition). A spiritual person will involve prayer, it's their foundation calling for an allocation of patience and perseverance. A supplication and/or the physical act of prayer, open one's mind to meditation and physical comfort. We obtain an assurance of faith via Patience, Perseverance and Prayer: the Ethics of a Social Preneur. #tohavevision

....and don't forget to have humor :-) as well. These are ethics for achieving a goal. Now a bit of advice, as stated by the late Steve Jobs in the video.

 Wisdom Wednesday are social reminders for conversation - the sharing of honest opinions and  wise ideals. All of us have a value worth sharing; it may motivate another to stop, continue and/or begin a certain process in our personal growth or social development.

Please follow me on Twitter @whoopwoop and share our blog-ver-sa-tions with friends
Thank you!

Baseerah.Media #tohavevision

1 comment:

  1. Just as your quote, "It increases intellect, creates wisdom and develops discipline; all are needed", so is being tested with patience and perserverance needed to refine and affirm our intentions and commitment to our vision and goals. More over, these are lessons of life that have to be endured with style and grace, especially when dealing in the social-media medium.
    All the nerve wrecking folks and experiences we have, is what actually makes us better at what we do. Hopefully in the long run we can be of service to them as well!
    It's all about us helping each other....
