Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wisdom Wednesday... Peace, Justice for Humanity

These days, it seem the whole world is asking for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. Political Powers and Social Political groups, are exercising unjust protocols over the people, they supposely speak for.

Justice a notion always referenced but lately its rarely felt, witnessed and/or issued across paradigms morally. The general public need a spokesman to define justice and how to apply it evenly for all classes. "Umar Ibn Al Khattab Principles of Administartion" deals directly with justice. I pray this blog-ver-sa-tion , reach the right people with the following advice from the past....
"Glory to Allah" Verily Justice is an important obligation to Allah and to man. You have been charged with this responsibility so that you may win the appobation of Allah and the good will of the people. Treat the people equally in your presence, and in your decisions, so that the weak despair not of justice and the high-placed harbor no hope of favoritism. The onus of proof lies on the plantiff, while the party who denies must do so on oath. Compromise is permissible, provided that it does not turn the unlawful into something lawful, and the lawful into something unlawful. Let nothing prevent you from changing your previous decision if after consideration you feel that the previous decision was incorrect. When you are in doubt about a question and find nothing concerning it in the Qur'an or the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), ponder the question over and over again. Ponder over the precedents and analogous cases, and then decided by analogy. A term should be fixed for the person who wants to produce witnesses. If he proves his case, discharge for him his right. Otherwise the suit should be dismissed. All Muslims are trustworthy, except those who have been punished with flogging, those who have borne false witness, or those of doubtful integrity." written by Umar Ibn Al Khattab

Terminology explained...
  • Allah, "Al" meaning The, "lah" means God. Allah is the proper Arabic word for God. 
  • Qur'an Holy Book of Islam in succession of Torah, Psalms given David and the Gospel spoken by Jesus Son of Mary
  • Sunnah is the practice, sayings and knowledge of the Qur'an applied by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
  • PBUH: Peace and Blessing Upon Him
  • jus·tice/ˈjəstis/ Noun (1) Just behavior or treatment. (2) The quality of being fair and reasonable.
Be a good neighbor in your community, and help people within your capacity or means, at least smile :-) If you any political power and social religious leaders read this, please know we all have to answer to the Creator over what belongs to Him and how it was managed.

This blog-ver-sa-tion was inspired by the Creator and all the trouble mankind has devleoped for ourselves to explain.
Wisdom Wednesday are thoughts for social conversation and the sharing of honest opinions, ideals, and Wisdom. All of us have a value worth sharing; it may motivate another to stop, continue and/ or begin a certain process in our personal or social development. 
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  1. So much injustice in world... i turn on my television and I see women with dusty hijabs clinging onto dustier teddy bears: a child has been murdered. And for what?

    I was recently talking with a sister and she said "I hate everybody!" Me: "What do you mean?"
    The sister: "I hate the people who keep screaming for world peace. This is so unrealistic. There will never be peace on earth." Me: "But wouldn't you say we need the peace-fighters/dreamers to balance out all the crazy warlords and oppressors?"

    be good to people and encourage goodness. Allah commands us to be just, so JUST do it!

    1. I totally agree. This past weekend, I presented at MAS Conference in Long Beach.

      An audience asked us, how and where do we civic engage the public for peace?

      My response,"Start with your family, then your surrounding community, because your neighbors is the closest public to for us to engage."

      Muslim Mommy thank you #createavoice
