Thursday, May 24, 2012

Every Thursday with LA Voice PICO

"Every Thursday" will feature people of creativity and/or ideas of leadership throughout their work.
***On Tuesday May 15, 2012 the "Responsible Banking Ordinance" Passed with an unanimous vote of 13-0 by the Los Angeles City Council. Congratulations to LA VOICE PICO for organizing the LA community for awareness and how to build power to protect their money. Please refresh your memory below, with an audio feed Courtesy of KPFA 94.1 FM and the story timeline of events. Read more @LATIMES, thank you! ***
L.A. City Council Approves Responsible Banking Ordinance by KPFA 94.1-FM Berkeley

The rush is over, on Wednesday February 29, 2012 the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously approving the Responsible Banking Ordinance #RBO. LA Voice a federation of People Improving Community through Organizing (PICO), are making sure the people of Los Angeles, know how to create change and develop community power.

It began in November 2010 with an action at Hollywood's Blessed Sacrament Church, with Council Alarcon also an umbrella of interfaith leaders from across L.A.;-) all introducing the #RBO. Now two years later after weathering the setbacks, new movements joining the fight, and more communities organizing for this action. LA Voice's leadership is making a difference in Los Angeles, with Responsible Banking and recently the Los Angeles Police Department endorsing a new towing policy.

LA Voice's staff meetings have been compared to, a Google brainstorming session of piety - on civic issues. Its staff and organizers are developing strategies involving people to increase relationships, and advocate with good intentions for social justice. Executive Director Zach Hoover facilitates the culture with leaders producing strategies, aligned to vision and mission. This humble team, religious members, and community leaders are having an exciting year pegging their position through smart organizing that empowers people.

Our blog-ver-sa-tion was developed to acknowledge disruptive ideas and/or leadership that makes a difference for sustaining metropolitan lifestyles. LA Voice strengthen communities' to explore powerful outcomes and develop organizers for civic engagement. 

Big Banks are now held more accountable to home and small business owners. Requiring banks to have even more transparent data, reflecting their activities with the Los Angeles community and help restart Los Angeles economic state.
 "Accustom yourself and those who are with you to doing good, start everything with good, and remember that for every good habit there is a means to develop it. The means of developing good is patience." Umar Ibn Al Khattab
Every Thursday with LA VOICE in 20 congregations throughout the city and continue to develop hundreds of leaders every year. We are part of the PICO National Network, which has developed leadership in 150 cities and 18 states. With more than one thousand religious congregations, schools, and neighborhood organizations, PICO is one of the largest grassroots community efforts in the United States. (LA VOICE PICO)

Follow us @whoopwoop on Twitter


  1. Great summary, Umar! -- Zach

    1. Thanks, it all apart of the work ...The "MO" kid!
