or·gan·ize /ˈôrgəˌnīz/ verb
1. Arrange into a structured whole; order: "organize lessons in a planned way".
2. Coordinate the activities of (a person or group) efficiently.
Synonyms: arrange - form - organise
Community Organizing is an old tool. It is used for collecting a community's thoughts, opinions, and facts capturing intellectual and human capital; to build an effective coalition of activists. Converting these components into a working strategy, so an organized audience can express their story and make a change for sustainability. Aligning your story with other narratives can have and has proven to be powerful!
In order to be effective we must Liberate our Thinking and begin to free our hearts of any harbouring Inherited Prejudices.We are all navigating through dark waters on a dark night, looking to the stars for guidance. Full comprehension will only come after we free ourselves from pre-existing social ills, having an unorganized lifestyle, and we must use our best ethics and/or useful education we know. If not we will cripple the efforts of those who are faithfully driven and honestly apply themselves for social justice.
The following is a brief description or steps into community organizing....
Your "As is" world, consists of the same routine for years. Nothing too much has change, you very reluctant to change, if it seems not within your reach. Though you rise everyday seeking change, contemplating your world "As it should be..." occupied by "justice and true balance" for life's long hull and its sustainability. Now...
Ask yourself, "How are you going to get there and with who?" What leading ideas, qualities, or people will you identify. Where is change needed and what will it take for this transformation to occur?Please think about this and answer these questions, for your own personal development. Either change or get caught by gentrification.
In the process - be prepared to encounter a new you, upon approaching the roundtable of opposition. Coming off the menu, and shedding old mannerisms for new table manners is a true transition. Having a collective voice presenting intelligent demands, is required before entering the room of civic engagement.
There are hardworking organizers, in your community constantly asking for the community's participation. Being a resident, it is an obligation to listen and learn how to better facilitate your community, state and national rights. Give your input and do not hinder others with doubt, because we feel reluctant and/or do not understand. Community Organizing is the tool used by great leaders throughout time, applying their divine mission and life's purpose for social justice.
"Revive, Renew and Restore" #projectIslah a Los Angeles campaign for reclaiming our Voice
Wisdom Wednesday are thoughts for social conversation and the sharing of honest opinions, ideals, and Wisdom. All of us have a value worth sharing; it may motivate another to stop, continue and/ or begin a certain process in our personal or social development. #tohavevision
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