Authentic, Unique, First, Prolific, and Genuine are all a class of synonyms for being Original.
"Go where no man, has gone before." Star Trek |
You picture, your authenticity becoming a tangible asset whether it's an invention, expression or writing one of those classics songs to be. A geuine concept the people have never utilize, heard or even seen. Your Experience & Core Values (Skills, Interests and Values, Dave Logan) all help you perceive what the Creator is showing you, in plain view of becoming an accredited asset to you.
You begin its documentation and enhancing the draft into a more comprehensible idea. It's worth your protection, the rightful claim of being its first presenter. The world have witnessed other first arrivals such as; Steve Jobs, Russell Simmons, Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali. All key presenters unlocking innovation, culture, a skillful personality and social justice.
They were "Original" and knew why pushing the line was a vital development, for society's best interest. Whether it's Swagg and Personality, or the gift of wisdom; however it comes, Originality is an innate ingredient.
o·rig·i·nal adjective /əˈrijənl/ belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginningWhenever we mention the concept of Core Values, citing the author or whom ever you learned an idea from is necessary. Giving the original teacher or developer their proper respect. Because, so many people present ideas and quotes of others, without cititation. Which is an unethical pratice and eventullay catch up with those biters! The ability to forecast thoughts into existence, is a Gift from The Original, gives thanks.
Be yourself, think deeply and simply.... #beOriginal, it will take you a long way; like the use of "please and thank you." I appreciate you following our Wisdom Wednesday blog-ver-sa-tions. Please "Like" us at and thank you ;-).
Don't be mad, it's just a little original Hip Hop...
Wisdom Wednesday are thoughts for social conversation and the sharing of honest opinions, ideals, and Wisdom. All of us have a value worth sharing; it may motivate another to stop, continue and/ or begin a certain process in our personal or social development.
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