Wednesday, January 14, 2015

#WisdomWed... Review the 1st (2) episodes of Narrative of Muslim America

Please (((Listen))) and Share the first 2 Episodes of ~ Narrative of Muslim America™ with San Francisco's Imam Abu Qadir Al Amin

The United States media, and others appear to have selective reporting. By not giving a full close-up observation into the Narrative of Muslim America. As this blog-ver-sa-tion see growth, we and others will highlight Islamic good deeds, excellent Islamic characters, and helpful Islamic organizations who are utilizing their own resources for deploying direct service efforts across American and global communities.

The last two weeks, Create-A-Voice has featured this original series.We intend to create Make-You-Think™ content. Below is our story and why sharing these narratives are vitally important. Let our truth be told! #createavoice Looking for to next week's blog-ver-sa-tion #WhoopWoop!

Why Narrative of Muslim America?

U.S history has documented various Islamic narratives, even before the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. Today most Muslims in the United States would like to claim "We have the oldest mosque in America, Our organization has been established since..." or my favorite "We were the first to establish it here.."

Regardless of claims Al Islam was first recognized as an Earthly way of life, as stated here "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." Al Ma'idah 5:3 In the Holy Qu'ran an Islamic text, Allah (the proper Arabic word for God) represents Himself as the One Who solely established this Earthly way of life.

Since the 7th century, this way of life (deen) has went global, enhancing those who have accepted its way of life. People who have embedded valuable contributions into many societies around the world. A way of life that continues to shape men and women around the world. No doubt, its historic movements have birthed an inspirational set of people.

Based on the above Qu'ranic statement, which established an identity for many people throughout time. Today, minds are wanting to know Who are Muslims, and What is their history in the Western World; which brings us to this blog-ver-sa-tion ~ Narrative of Muslim America™ .

Our Intention with Narrative of Muslim America

Create-A-Voice will feature this series about Muslim America. The objective is to ~ capture, own, and institutionalize our powerful narrative by asking empowering personalities for their thoughts.

I will open my network of various Muslims and Leaders who are leading extraordinary lives. People of different backgrounds, and occupations, who are all working to make a global difference. This Narrative, are simple conversations, and my intention is to spark the a media renaissance that establish our most powerful Muslim narratives ~ respectively.

#WisdomWed are thoughts for social conversation, sharing honest opinions, ideals, and your Wisdom. All of us have a value worth sharing; that may motivate another person to stop, continue and/ or begin a certain process of personal or leadership development. #tohavevision

Share #createavoice blog-ver-sa-tions

West West and #WhoopWoop ~ Thank You!

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