Narrative of Muslim America features Margari Hill, co-founder of Muslim Arc. As a student of knowledge Margari has created a meaningful space to challenge the ideals of race and power. This blog-ver-sa-tion explores her narrative in Northern California, as she speaks about personal trials growing up, and gaining her education. Learn about MuslimArc's work to educate, and equip minds with effective tools that counteracts racism. Margari Hill's narrative will describe her as... a wife, mother, and a leader with honest straight forward conversation.
What Create A Voice, learned from Margari Hill
Our American society is facing the biggest trial, it has never desired to face. The conversation of Race and Power is no longer a closed door conversation, it's now a mainstream dialogue. Technology have captured acts of violence against Americans who have been suppressed and discriminated against since their arrival! American themes of liberty and freedom for all, is now being confronted by its history of racism, and how appointed social contract trustees are abusing a power meant to facilitate public safety. We are having difficult conversations, and hopefully this tension will open exit paths to health, security and protection for all people. Muslims are now in positions that are contributing social solutions. We are exemplifying a social responsibility for America, which has been our home since day one. #ThinkAboutIt
Our Intention with Narrative of Muslim America
Create-A-Voice will feature this blog-ver-sa-tion about Muslim America. Our objective is ~ to capture, own, and institutionalize our powerful narrative. Feature change-making personalities, and simply engage their thoughts.
I will open my network of various Muslims and Leaders who are leading extraordinary lives. People of different backgrounds, and occupations all working to make a global difference. These Narratives are simple conversations, and my intention is to spark a renaissance that establish our most powerful Muslim narratives ~ respectively.
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West West and #WhoopWoop ~ Thank You!
Salaam! This is so dope! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this blog-ver-sation! Truly inspiring sister! Jazak Allahu Khair for sharing your story.